Sunday, July 24, 2011

I am so Totally "Stoked!"

I’ve lived in Southern California practically all my life and have never been surfing.  I’ve been to Hawaii three times and have never surfed.  But this summer that changed…

                When I was first out there I admit being a little scared, but it soon became exhilarating.  Everything from going over a wave that wasn’t quite there yet, to “flopping” off the board before I hit the shore had a kind of joy in it that made me smile.  I sat up on my board and looked out to the sea waiting for another wave; the ocean was perfectly flat, with a still, quiet, peace.  It reminded me of God’s love, and how He took the time to create this for His children to enjoy. “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10a
        As the waves came in and I got water up my nose I stopped thanking God for that water. Haha.  But then I soon realized how quick I am to thank Him for times of peace and disregard Him in the times of stress.  I can’t just thank God when my life is at peace and then move through my daily life forgetting Him.  “in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:6 When I forget to acknowledge God’s hand in ALL my ways, I lose sight on what really matters. 

Life is more than just sitting and waiting for that wave to come in, it’s falling off and getting back up with the same amount of peace and joy.   Once we put God in all our ways there IS peace in stress, and it feels just like when you catch a wave: TOTALLY STOKED!

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