Sunday, January 6, 2013

In Comparison to What?

“I feel like the biggest loser!” 
“Why is she so amazing?”
“It makes sense why they all adore her.”

Girls, girls, girls…we really have a knack for comparison, don’t we?
We see others and we think “if only I had her….”
It’s a constant struggle between knowing we were wonderfully made and yet feeling as if God forgot to give us something.

Really now, when God created you do you honestly think He was saying,  “I’m going to make her less interesting than the rest I created.”    

Think about it.

If you continuously compare yourself to the imperfect human you will never be full.  


There is only One who satisfies the human heart, there is only One who we can truly compare ourselves to…


And to be quite honest with you when you start comparing yourself to Him and letting Him be your Guide you will feel more and more inadequate, but more and more loved.

Make sense?  No? ….yeah, I know, it doesn’t.  Why would we compare ourselves to Christ if He too makes us feel inadequate?  Because:  “I am more sinful than I ever imagined, but more loved than I ever dared to believe.”

His love, His crazy love, is like a vast ocean so deep and wide it covers you like a warm blanket, it fills you, and it cures you.
Only His amazing love can take away all our selfish thoughts.   And it is only when we fully abandon ourselves to Him and see our sinful nature that we are able to completely partake of His grace.

So I give you this challenge:

When you feel yourself looking to another in comparison and thinking,
“Well I wouldn’t have…”
“Well I have never..”
“If only I had…”
“She’s just more….”

Roll those thoughts out, take a cookie cutter to them and cut out a cross.

Then compare yourself.

Girls, He loved you so much, not only did He create you, but He sent His only Son to suffer trials, persecution and eventually die for you….


We all have our faults, we are all imperfect, but He made you just the way you are to glorify His name, to fulfill a purpose that only you are able to do.  

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