Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fulfillment in Him

       I’ve stared at my blog over and over again for the past few weeks attempting to find SOMETHING to write.  Normally anything seems better than nothing, but in this case even “anything” fell short.  I received a text from a friend: “YOU NEED TO BLOG.”  I laughed thinking how there was absolutely nothing for me to say.  But that day I decided to see if anything came my way that I could blog about.  Well God seeming to never miss a beat decided to, I'll let you decide what His goal was:

"I can’t fail, I have to be better than them." 

      Have you ever met someone who seems unable to fail anything they do?  It’s “impossible” for them.  Their worth is in their success. They are constantly striving for that goal of perfection.  I always feel bad for the people who find their value in their success.  They are unaware of their true worth.  They seem continually on the prowl for new things to conquer and improve, and for some reason they also have this uncanny desire to make sure people know they’re better.  In the end all they desire is the feeling of “fulfillment" in their lives.  

Fulfillment: “the achievement of something desired.”

      There’s one thing I’ve noticed in people who HAVE to succeed to feel accomplished—they have HORRIBLE friend skills.  They nag, put down, can “dish it out but can’t take it,” are negative, and clingy.  It’s so hard to watch them “martyr” themselves without realizing the only way to true fulfillment is by desiring to delight yourself in the Lord and His will. Once one lets go of their world and asks Christ to fill them up they realize God's guidance takes us to unimaginable destinations.   
“Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4 

      Until we actually give our plans to God and find our worth in Him, we will never be satisfied with the things of this world. We can plan and try as hard as we want but the Lord needs to be directing our paths.
“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”   Proverbs 16:9

“O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps” Jeremiah 10:23

      One day those "perfectionists" will wake up empty, with only medals and certificates hung on their wall.  Wondering to themselves why they still don’t feel an eternal fulfillment.  If only they knew they never had to prove themselves.  Jesus was the sacrifice and our lives should be lived in honor of Him.  Not with perfect grades, or work, or even perfect friends, but with a spirit of thankfulness, wanting to do all that we do for His glory, praising Him and showing His love to all through ones life. 
“I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live.”  Ecclesiastes 3:12
       At the end of my day after running into a few of these people I honestly wanted to serve God so much more knowing how it feels to be fulfilled in Him. I saw first rate examples of people trying to succeed with out Him and are constantly struggling for perfection.  It made me hope and pray one day they’ll find their value, not in the things of this world, but in a burning desire to trust Jesus and let Him fill them up. 

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Give EVERYTHING to God, let Him show you how to be eternally fulfilled in Him.  


  1. If everyone only knew that they were searching for fulfillment in the first place... :) We have to keep our eye on the goal or we're certainly going to be looking for more ways to prove ourselves.

    And so Thank You, to the person who sent you that text. I needed to get re-focused.

  2. Hahahaha I should be more pushy if I get results like this!! It's so true. I know a few of those people myself and they leave me wondering, "How can I help you?" something to wonder about, too.
